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Bors (/ˈbɔːrz/; French: Bohort) is the name of two knights in Arthurian legend, an elder and a younger. The two first appear in the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail romance prose cycle. Bors the Elder is the King of Gaunnes (Gannes/Gaunes/Ganis) during the early period of King Arthur's reign, and is the brother of King Ban of Benoic and the father of Bors the Younger and Lionel. His son Bors the Younger later becomes one of the best Knights of the Round Table and participates in the achievement of the Holy Grail.
Bors (/ˈbɔːrz/; French: Bohort) is the name of two knights in Arthurian legend, an elder and a younger. The two first appear in the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail romance prose cycle. Bors the Elder is the King of Gaunnes (Gannes/Gaunes/Ganis) during the early period of King Arthur's reign, and is the brother of King Ban of Benoic and the father of Bors the Younger and Lionel. His son Bors the Younger later becomes one of the best Knights of the Round Table and participates in the achievement of the Holy Grail.
Sir Bors de Ganis was the only knight of the three Grail knights (Bors, Percivale, and Galahad) to survive the Quest for the Holy Grail and return to King Arthur’s court. His fathers name was Bors as well, and he later succeeded his father as King of Gannes/Ganis.

Sir Bors was a chaste knight and had sworn a vow of purity while remaining single, but the daughter of King Brandegoris fell in love with him. While using the aid of a magic ring, she forced Sir Bors into loving her thus breaking his vow. As a result of this union, Bors became the father of Elyan the White, later Emperor of Constantinople.
First introduced as one of Lancelot's cousins, Sir Bors the Younger is a Knight of the Round Table who accompanies Galahad and Perceval on the quest for the Holy Grail. He is recognizable by a scar on his forehead. He is actually the only knight to survive the quest for the Grail (Galahad and Perceval die after they all follow the Grail to a mystical island in the Middle East) and return to King Arthur's court. Eventually he perishes in the Holy Land from fighting in the Crusades. Bors was also a fierce and loyal supporter of his cousin Lancelot, even when Lancelot was in conflict with King Arthur.
Sir Bors was the favourite cousin of Sir Lancelot, and the son of King Bors of Gannes (probably Vannes in Brittany) & Queen Evaine. After the death of King Bors at the hands of King Claudas, his young sons, Bors the Younger - who had nominally succeeded as King - and Lionel, were taken into captivity. They were, however, rescued by Seraide, High-Priestess of the Lady of the Lake, to whom she entrusted their care. They were thus brought up with their cousin Lancelot.
Bors is an important character in the Vulgate Cycle and in Malory’s Morte d’Arthur (which does not include the early adventures of Bors but does tell, in an account similar to that in the Vulgate, of Bors’ part in the Grail quest and in the events leading to the fall of Camelot. Bors is the son of King Bors of Gaunes and the cousin of Lancelot. Along with his brother Lionel, Bors is protected as a child by the Lady of the Lake. He is made to love the daughter of King Brandegorre by means of a magic ring that her governess gets him to wear. They sleep together once and conceive a son, Helaine the White. Despite the fact that he slept with a woman, Bors is one of the three knights who achieve the quest for the Holy Grail. He accompanies Galahad and *Perceval on the ship that brings the Grail from Britain to Sarras and remains there with them until both are dead. He then returns to Camelot and becomes an ally of Lancelot when he is caught in the queen’s chamber. After Arthur’s final battle with Mordred, Bors joins Lancelot in leading a holy life. When Lancelot dies, Bors and other of Lancelot’s kin go to the Holy Land to fight infidels. There, he dies on a Good Friday.
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