On Wednesday August 26 at 5PM Pacific time, we will gather for the fifth time to listen to Dr. Dennis Patrick Slattery in his unique Creative Encounters: Myth, Poetics and Culture. For those who notice such things, this is indeed the fifth talk – although it was originally planned to be the fourth talk. The third talk developed across two gatherings – all of which are now available on Mythosophia.net. We are still discussing the possibility of bringing forth the original fifth talk, which would expand the Creative Encounters series to six talks. Don’t you think six is a good number?
All significant moments of the hero or heroine’s journey are embedded in the imaginative act of reading. Dr. Dennis Slattery views classics of literature as a transformative journey into a symbolic order that is such a foundational element in C.G. Jung’s individuation process. To read contemplatively and imaginatively is to enter the realm of the archetypes and the energy they muster and dispense in the act of reading. In addition, reading is a journey through the energy fields of the work that cultivate transformation in the reader. Perhaps as well, the work that we are shaping and being shaped by, continues through us its own individuation process, for it too contains a consciousness, an unconscious and a collective unconscious. He will use a few passages from his new book, From War to Wonder: Retrieving Your Personal Myth Through Homer’s Odyssey.
Here’s the link to Register for Dr. Dennis Slattery #4 (the fifth talk): Myth, Poetics and Culture – Creative Encounters with Dr. Dennis Slattery
So, please join me, my co-host partner Dr. Will Linn, and our stellar panel: Dr. John Bucher, Dr. Dara Marks and Dr. Kwame Scruggs as we continue to plumb the depths of mythological scholarship – picking up more than a few shards of substance along the way!