EVENT DESCRIPTION: Re-Visioning the American Psyche examines the myths, images, and archetypal fantasies ingrained in the collective consciousness and unconscious in the United States. The volume tends to manifest symptoms in political institutions, social conflicts, and cultural movements. Using various interpretative processes—from psychoanalytic to literary and to participatory—it reflects on the meaning of democratic participation, the psychological cost of wars and violence, intergenerational trauma due to racism, the emotional dimensions of political polarization, deep-seated oppositional thinking in patriarchal structures, frailty of the American Dream, and more.
FEATURED GUEST: İpek S. Burnett, PhD, Ipek S. Burnett, PhD is a Turkish-American author who provides a psychological critique of social, cultural, and political issues. She is the editor of Re-Visioning the American Psyche: Jungian, Archetypal, and Mythological Reflections (Routledge, 2023), the author of A Jungian Inquiry into the American Psyche: The Violence of Innocence. A Jungian Inquiry into the American Psyche: The Violence of Innocence (Routledge, 2020). In Turkey, she is the author of two published novels. Burnett is the Chair of Human Rights Watch’s San Francisco Executive Committee and serves on the boards of nonprofit organizations and foundations that specialize in social justice, human rights, and democracy.
Rebecca Armstrong is a minister, musician, and mythologist. She’s a member of the Armstrong family discussed in the Joseph Campbell biography, A Fire in the Mind, and knew Campbell from the time she was a young teenager through a 12-year odyssey as the International Outreach Director for the Joseph Campbell Foundation. She has been a professional storyteller and seminar leader and has given presentations all over the United States as well as in Europe, Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Rebecca has graduate degrees from the University of Chicago and Chicago Theological Seminary and for the past 20 years has taught in higher education for De Paul University, Purdue University and Indiana University, where she currently teaches courses on philosophy, ethics, and American cinema. She has maintained a freelance ministry in counseling and mediation while continuing to write. She was honored to contribute an article to Ipek Burnett’s volume on Revisioning the American Psyche.
Edward Tick, Ph.D. (www.edwardtick.com; www.mentorthesoul.guide) is an archetypal psychotherapist, educator, poet, author, and international pilgrimage guide and peace activist. He is recognized as a “thought leader” on healing the invisible wounds of war. He has been working to heal these wounds from violent trauma in veterans, families, societies, and our world for over forty years. Ed is the author of five books of nonfiction, including the groundbreaking War and the Soul, three of poetry, and has more than 200 published articles. He is also an editor of the international journal Close Encounters In War. For a decade he served as subject matter expert on healing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Moral Injury for the U.S. military and continues that work today supporting deployed chaplains in the Middle East. His book Warrior's Return is translated into Italian and Russian and he trains Jungian analysts in Russia on archetypal healing of war trauma, He uses pilgrimage and cultural immersion for holistic healing and has been leading annual healing journeys to Viet Nam and to Greece since 1995. He is a specialist in archetypal psychotherapy and uses the humanities, literature, and worldwide indigenous practices for modern healing. All his work is concerned with restoring the soul and spirit to our modern world.
Glen Slater, Ph.D., studied psychology and comparative religion at The University of Sydney before coming to the United States in 1992 for doctoral work in clinical psychology. He has been teaching at Pacifica for over twenty years and is currently the Associate Chair of the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization. He also teaches in the Mythological Studies program. His publications have appeared in a number of Jungian journals and essay collections, and he edited and introduced the third volume of James Hillman’s Uniform Edition, Senex and Puer, as well as a collection of faculty writings, Varieties of Mythic Experience: Essays on Religion, Psyche and Culture. Beyond his work in Jungian and Archetypal Psychology, he writes on psyche and film as well as the psychology of technology. He lectures internationally in these areas of interest.
Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Mythological Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California where he taught for 27 of his 55 years in the classroom before retiring. He is the author, co-author, editor or Co-editor of 33 volumes, including 7 volumes of poetry and one novel. Currently he teaches courses online and offers lectures and workshops on myth and culture both on-line and on site at Friends of Jung organizations in the US. For three years he also taught student inmates at a California State Prison where he focused on assisting his students to discover their personal myth, using Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces. The course was conducted through the mail. He writes op-ed essays on cultural and mythical themes for the San Antonio Express-News and New Braunfels, Texas' Herald Zeitung. His op-eds and paintings can be viewed on his website, www.dennispatrickslattery.com.
Dana White, Ph.D. a contributing faculty member to Pacifica's myth degrees and author of numerous volumes on mythology. Over the course of his career, Dana has worked in radio and industrial television, as a vice president of marketing for Merrill Lynch, and as an academic department chair at an art college. He edits and designs books, produces films and motion media for universities, corporations and non-profits, and is a professional photographer with more than 40 books to his credit.He currently produces and hosts the Myth Salon, a venture he co-founded in 2016 with Dr. Will Linn,
WILL LINN, Ph.D. Is the Founder of Mythouse.org. He Produces Psychedelic MixTapes for Fascinated by Everything and co-hosts a European TV series called Myths: The Greatest Mysteries of Humanity. From 2011-2021, Will led projects for the Joseph Campbell Foundation, and from 2015-2023, he served as a professor and founding department chair for Hussian College—a film and performing arts school in Los Angeles. He has moderated these monthly Myth Salons with Dana White since 2015. His media and conference appearances, publications and roundtables have been focused on the poesis of nature and technology, meta-narratives of transformation, historical arcs in the mythic imagination and the archetypal revolution of meteor-steel.
The Myth Salon is all about cultivating community – bringing people and ideas into a delicious convergence every month to explore ideas of substance. Dr. Will Linn and Dr. Dana C White, the indefatigable moderators of our Myth Salon, congregate the mythological community to explore upon this rich and fertile path, and increase the amperage of myth and substance wherever we are. When we nurture and sustain our community relations and involvement, we all benefit! The full playlist of Myth Salons since the Spring of 2020 can be found Here.
Dennis Slattery’s Invitations:
dennispatrickslattery.com contains a series of blogs, paintings, adventure invitations and online courses.
Dana White’s Invitations:
Tao Te Ching: Enter into the poetic flow of the Tao
Dana White Youtube Channel: Explore Myth Salons, Mastery Circles and a range of mythic conversations on my Youtube Channel.
Will Linn’s Invititations:
Mythouse.org - Mythic Calendar: The Mythic Calendar integrates the world’s major holidays into a single calendar of media and information rich portals that explore the mythic dimensions of each holiday, sign of the zodiac, flower of the month, birth stone and celestial event. Check in with the mythic calendar each month and with every holiday to stay engaged with mythic time.
Mythology Channel: Explore ten years of mythic radio series, round tables, myth salons and special events in the Mythology Channel’s content library.
Climate BootCamp: The Climate Bootcamp was designed for the Harvard Alumni Society Committee for the Climate and Climate Reality with the help of Mythouse to serve as a virtual course to support those ready to bring change within an organization.
Special Thanks to the continued support of the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association.