Dear Community,
Our good friend and Host of The Myth Salon, Dana White, has passed away. He was at home. All of you — meant the world to him. This Myth Salon meant the world to him. Thank you for meaning the world to my friend. He had just climbed his stairs—to where? I hope you will join in the sending of care, to Dana, in the wake of shared heartbreak, in support of his sacred voyage. Who gathered more guidance for the mysteries? Dana was here for myth, and he loved journeying with friends.
So many loved ones have reached out. Dana’s medicine of community, his creation of sangha around myth, wants to continue. We love him, and we want his present in our futures. First we will morn. The Halloween Myth Salon is postponed until next year. We will, instead, gather in gratitude, for Dana, the week before Thanksgiving.
This Myth Salon will not be in the usual Webinar format. It will be an open room—a wake on the theme of Gratitude. We will begin with a poem, in Dana’s tradition, read by our dear friend and Myth Salon anchor, Dennis Slattery. The evening will include a work of art by Chris Holmes, which begins with a section of Dana’s translation and recording of the Tao te Ching. We will share some clips, of Dana, and I will say a few words. There are a number of people who would like to thank Dana, and we want to make space for this outpouring. Anyone who wants to express gratitude, in his honor, will be given the opportunity. If you would like to gather a photo or a story, there is time, and there will be time.
How comforting it was, when grief was erupting, to recall, a week before he passed, active students of the Pacifica myth program, where Dana and I studied, hosting an event to celebrate Dana. Dennis was there. I was there. It was about the Myth Salon, but so much—and we are sharing it today, and I invite you to feel it—this was a celebration of Dana White. These are the kind of celebrations that can come a week late, or when you see it coming. We have never been featured, as The Myth Salon, not like this. I am grateful Dana got to be there, to receive the love, and I am grateful we can share his last Myth Salon event with you.
It was so special, and though we were not going to share it, originally, because it was a closed circle, Jaclyn has prepared a version for you that can be found on his beloved Youtube Channel:
In the wake of his passing, I found myself looking through the Myth Salons, from the beginning—finding and posting old events we never posted, reflecting on memories of what this has been. If you would like to reflect on the journey as well, you will find it here:
Thank you again, for your love and support and for remembering Dana. I look forward to being with some of you in November. Then, we will observe a chapter of silence.
In love and gratitude,
Will Linn

Good bye, dear Friend! Not too long ago, you were on a pilgrimage on the Camino Real --
now it's through "endless dimentions, universal peace" . . . I miss you! Marianne Tauber
Please, accept my condolences.
Sending compassion and grace to our broken hearts. Dana has taken his place in the Cosmos among the stars where he shines bright forever. He was a new friend but one I felt I knew for a long time. I am so glad his earthy work has been preserved. Blessed Be
Carmel Stabley of The Labyrinth Society