Dara Marks, Ph.D., is a writer and leading international script consultant who has devoted the last twenty years to the development of a groundbreaking approach to the theory of the transformational arc and screenplay structure. Her unique method of story analysis has earned her top ratings by Creative Screenwriting Magazine as the best consultant in the business. She’s also highly recommended by Dov Siemens and Richard Walter, chair of the UCLA graduate screenwriting program. Dara has received a PhD in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology and now teaches at the Pacifica Graduate Institute. She’s author of the book, “Inside Story, The Power of the Transformational Arc,” and she also leads 4 day intensive creativity workshops for women called “Engaging the Feminine Heroic”.
More on Dara Marks: http://daramarks.com/
Register for Dara’s Workshop, Engaging the Feminine Heroic: http://daramarks.com/workshop.php

Buy Dara’s Book, Inside Story: http://daramarks.com/purchase.php

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