The Joseph Campbell Foundation Mythological Roundtable of Ojai presents an evening at the Ojai Foundation on Thursday, November 8th at 7 pm in the Council House. This month’s topic is “Sun and Moon in Mythology and Alchemy.”The solar and lunar cycles express and enact cosmological qualities that inform the myths of the world and guide the tides of the times. Furthermore, they provide archetypal foundations to the structures and processes at work deep in the collective and individual psyche.Emphasis will be given to solar and lunar events of sunset and sunrise, solstices and equinoxes, phases of the moon, and eclipses. Additionally, we will consider the archetypal qualities of the sun and moon per se, and the value of their synergy within the individual and collective.To this end, material from world mythology and alchemy will provide a context of the evening’s terrain. We look forward to exploring some ways in which these ancient sources can help us to navigate our lives through these rapidly shifting times.
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