Mythology of the Holy Grail with Will Linn:
Following a three week grail quest from Glastonbury and Tintagel to Roslyn Chapel and Dinas Bran, Will Linn (M.A. in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology, B.A. in Philosophy) will initiate a conversation towards the vessel of great reward. Our embarkation from the table round will lead through an exploration of its Celtic antecedents, Classical comparisons, Christian inspirations, traumas of the crusades and inquisitions, European romances, alchemical connections, the enduring presence (or absence) of the grail in modern culture, and its psychological and philosophical implications. To be sure, the conversation will involve Merlin, Excalibur, golden apples, magical fountains, secret societies, fertility cults, heretical orgies and the taboo of the taboo.
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